For many first timers, the Hemp oil buying process can be quite tricky!
With so many new brands entering the Australian marketing since it’s legalization (for consumption) on November 12th 2017, the varying terms being used seem to be causing nothing but confusion for consumers.
One of the more common questions we seem to be getting is all about the difference between Hemp oil and CBD oil.
In this article we hope to clear a lot of that confusion so that your journey into Hemp oil can be as smooth as possible and you can make an informed choice.
Before we continue, it’s important to reiterate that in Australia, growing and selling Hemp oil for consumption is legal, while growing, producing, and selling CBD oil for consumption is not.
Often used interchangeably, Hemp oil and CBD Oil are “technically” the same thing since they are both produced from the same Cannabis Sativa plant, which contains <0.3% THC (the component that gets you “high”).
Even though both oils are produced from the Cannabis Sativa plant (aka Hemp plant), the real difference comes in which part of the plant is used since different parts of contain higher levels of cannabidiol (CBD) than others.
The flowers, stalk and leaves contain the highest amount of CBD, making it the perfect part of the plant to be used to produce the potent CBD oil.
If you are interested in purchasing CBD oil for its medicinal purposes, pay close attention to how the oil was distracted.
SuperCritical CO2 Extraction
The best and often the most expensive type of CBD oil is extracted using supercritical CO2. This extraction method is done under very low temperatures which ensures a pure extract and keeps beneficial cannabinoids (CBD and CBDa) intact.
Solvent Extraction
The other, cheaper extraction uses isopropyl alcohol to remove cannabinoids from the plant.
The solvent then evaporates, leaving behind the extract. It’s important that this extraction method is made very carefully as many oils for sale still contain harmful solvents that have not yet evaporated.
When buying a CBD oil for medicinal purposes, it’s good practice to make sure you’re buying a quality lab tested oil so that you know exactly the composition you’re ingesting and that all impurities have been removed.
With it’s high concentrations of CBD, medicinal CBD oil is produced from these parts of the Hemp plant which can help treat chronic pain, seizures, and even cancer.
Hemp oil on the other hand is produced from the seed of the plant which contains very little, if any, trace of CBD. Hemp oil is extracted using two various methods; cold pressed or refined.
Cold pressed
Unrefined, cold pressed Hemp oil is extracted by the crushing and grinding of the seeds (peeled or not peeled), after which the oil is extracted mechanically preserving its nutritious content. Preferably stored in the refrigerator once opened, cold pressed hemp oil typically results in a very nutty flavour, and is dark to light green in colour.
Extracted through heating or with the use of chemicals, refined Hemp oil is usually clear and free from any taste. Refined Hemp oil is typically used in beauty products, but lacks the natural antioxidants and nutrients in hemp.
With it’s high amounts of essential fatty acids (EFAs), Magnesium, and Fibre, Hemp oil has long been known as a superfood which keeps you strong and healthy. Not to mention, the high amounts of EFAs make this oil ideal for healing skin conditions such as Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Rashes, Dry Skin, and Scars. Hemp oil however cannot be used medicinally to treat conditions that CBD Oil can.
There are many suppliers of Hemp oil in Australia, but if you want to make sure you’re getting the best of the best, Hemp-Life sells organically certified, sustainably grown, and ethically manufactured Australian made products you can feel confident about using! Shop our body care and food selections today.